To capture some of the spirit of gathering together in the AAA exhibit hall, we offer this virtual space, showcasing our new authors, award-winning books, and highlights from the last year of anthropology publishing at SUP.
Greetings from our New Anthropology Editor
Greetings from Our New Anthropology Editor
In early September, Stanford University Press welcomed a new editor of Anthropology, Dylan Kyung-lim White. Dylan comes to Stanford from UNC Press, where he acquired books in anthropology, geography, sociology, and race and ethnic studies. In his new position at Stanford, he is particularly interested in projects that are connected to environmental anthropology, political anthropology, and science, technology, and medical anthropology, and that are engaged in debates around racial capitalism, colonialism and Indigenous resistance, migration and borders, social and labor movements, prisons and policing, gender, sexuality, and environmental justice. He is keen to support work that can reach across disciplines, and that aims to impact not just the scholarly community but also a wider public. Below is a short note from him on the occasion of the conference:
Dear Reader,
As I write this note I am rounding out my early days as anthropology editor at Stanford University Press. Already in this short time I have been so impressed by the intelligence, dedication, and good humor of my new colleagues in the face of the ongoing pandemic, and have now seen up close what I had glimpsed from afar: a dynamic, forward-thinking anthropology program. In surveying Stanford’s most recent group of publications, I am struck by the ground being covered – from cleared-eyed appraisals of our global environmental crisis, to critical accounts of political struggle and resistance to oppression around the world, to cats on the internet – and feel grateful for the opportunity to build on the important work already underway. I’m looking forward to what’s ahead, and to meet future partners in this endeavor.
Thanks, and take good care,
New Books and New SUP Authors
Announcing new books, published in the last year. We’re offering 30% and free North American shipping off these and other recent SUP Anthropology titles with discount code S21XAAA-FM through our virtual exhibit ».
2021 Anthropology Catalog
This Year’s Award Winners
The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals »
Winner of the 2021 Animals & Society Distinguished Book Award, sponsored by the American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on Animals & Society.
Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer and Poetry in Iran »
- Winner of the 2021 Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Constructive-Reflective Studies, sponsored by the American Academy of Religion (AAR).
- Winner of the 2021 Fatema Mernissi Book Award, sponsored by the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).
Jesus Loves Japan: Return Migration and Global Pentecostalism in a Brazilian Diaspora »
- Winner of the 2020 Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) - Society for East Asian Anthropology.
Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs in Twenty-First-Century India »
- Longlisted in the 2021 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay NIF Book Prize, sponsored by the New India Foundation.
The Greater India Experiment: Hindutva and the Northeast »
- Longlisted in the 2021 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay NIF Book Prize, sponsored by the New India Foundation.
Dark Finance: Illiquidity and Authoritarianism at the Margins of Europe »
- Winner of the 2021 Ed A. Hewett Book Prize, sponsored by the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) and the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research.
Mafia Raj: The Rule of Bosses in South Asia »
- Winner of the Edited Volume / Co-Authored Monograph Accolade at the 2021 ICAS Book Prize, English - Best Book in the Social Sciences, sponsored by the International Convention of Asia Scholars.
Precarious Hope: Migration and the Limits of Belonging in Turkey »
- Honorable Mention in the 2020 APLA Book Prize in Critical Anthropology, sponsored by the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA).
How to Make a Wetland: Water and Moral Ecology in Turkey »
- Honorable Mention in the 2021 Albert Hourani Book Award, sponsored by the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).
Feral Atlas: The More-Than-Human Anthropocene »
- Named one of the 2020 Power 100, Art Review's annual ranking of the most influential people in art.
- Gold Medal in the 2021 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) - Best Adult Non-Fiction Informational E-Book category, sponsored by the Independent Publisher Book Awards.
Iran Reframed: Anxieties of Power in the Islamic Republic »
- Winner of the 2020 Margaret Mead Award, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA).
For the War Yet to Come: Planning Beirut's Frontiers »
- Winner of the 2019 Anthony Leeds Prize, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) - Society for Urban, National, and Transnational / Global Anthropology (SUNTA) section.
- Winner of the 2019 Nikki Keddie Book Award, sponsored by the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).
A Place to Call Home: Immigrant Exclusion and Urban Belonging in New York, Paris, and Barcelona »
- Winner of the 2020 William M. LeoGrande Award, sponsored by The School of Public Affairs and the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University.
The Politics of Love in Myanmar: LGBT Mobilization and Human Rights as a Way of Life »
- Winner of the 2019 ALSA Distinguished Book Award, sponsored by the Asian Law & Society Association (ALSA).
- Honorable mention in the 2019 Gordon Hirabayashi Sociology of Human Rights Book Award, sponsored by the American Sociological Association (ASA) - Human Rights Section.
Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration, and Re-migration Across China's Borders »
- Winner of the 2019 Global and Transnational Sociology Best Book by an International Scholar Award, sponsored by the American Sociology Association - Global and Transnational Sociology Section.
Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian Microfinance »
- Winner of the 2020 Bernard Cohn Book Prize, sponsored by the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) - South Asia Council.
Divine Variations: How Christian Thought Became Racial Science »
- Winner of the 2018 Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title, sponsored by the American Library Association.
- Winner of the 2020 Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award, sponsored by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS).
Marked Women: The Cultural Politics of Cervical Cancer in Venezuela »
- Winner of the 2019 Eileen Basker Memorial Prize, sponsored by the Society for Medical Anthropology.
Islands of Heritage: Conservation and Transformation in Yemen »
- Winner of the 2019 MES Book Award, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) - Middle East Section.
- Honorable mention for the 2019 AGAPS Book Award, sponsored by The Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS).
Familiar Futures: Time, Selfhood, and Sovereignty in Iraq »
- Honorable Mention in the 2020 AMEWS Book Award, sponsored by the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies.
Dying to Serve: Militarism, Affect, and the Politics of Sacrifice in the Pakistan Army »
- Shortlisted in the 2020 IPS Book Award, sponsored by the ISA International Political Sociology Section.
Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine »
- Winner of the 2020 Albert Hourani Book Award, sponsored by the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).
- Winner of the 2020 Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title, sponsored by the American Library Association.
- Winner of the 2020 MES Book Award, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) - Middle East Section.
- Joint Winner of the the 2021 Sharon Stephens Book Prize, sponsored by the American Ethnological Society.
Rules, Paper, Status: Migrants and Precarious Bureaucracy in Contemporary Italy »
- Winner of the 2019 William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology, sponsored by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (a unit of the American Anthropological Association).
The Missing Pages: The Modern Life of a Medieval Manuscript, from Genocide to Justice »
- Winner of the 2019 Der Mugrdechian Armenian Studies Book Award, sponsored by the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS).
- Winner of the 2020 Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association Book Prize.
- Gold Medal (tie) in the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) - History (World) category, sponsored by the Independent Publisher Book Awards.
- Shortlisted for the 2020 Saroyan Prize - Non-Fiction category, sponsored by the Stanford Libraries.
- Gold Medal (tie) in the 2021 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) - History-Oversized category, sponsored by the Independent Publisher Book Awards.
Invisible Companions: Encounters with Imaginary Friends, Gods, Ancestors, and Angels »
- Gold medal in the 2020 Illumination Book Awards, Spirituality category, sponsored by the Jenkins Group.
- Winner of the 2020 Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title, sponsored by the American Library Association.
AAA Resources
If you have a book proposal in mind, contact Dylan Kyung-lim White, Acquisitions Editor for Anthropology, at [email protected].