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Thanks for your feedback. I tend to write differently for different audiences. An academic audience is different than a high school audience, so I tailored the blog post mostly to a scholarly audience. However, I would welcome the task of expressing some of the arguments in ways that high school students would find accessible. If you have an idea for a venue for this, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Thanks, paula

Professor Ioanide,
As a older white man who raised a beautiful mixed-race son I look for information and real steps to make our world better for all, and safer for Levi and his friends.
I appreciate what you are trying to convey here, but the people who need to hear this are never going to penetrate the academic level in which you write. I want people like you, who study and have a deeper understanding of the complexities of these issues to present their findings in a vocabulary that can be understood by those with 10th grade education. Otherwise, it is like bringing a first aid kit to assist at an accident that has a lock on it. No one can benefit. Please do not take this as criticism but as a plea.
With sincere thanks I would like to offer you a concrete suggestion: Google "How to take the Fog Out of Writing" by Robert Gunning. Again, thanks.

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